1. Try to get as many purchases (till reach 300 items) within 3 months or
2. Try to sell items with high value as you reach usd$ 3000 within 3 months.
So far, I have achieved one of the requirement to become a power seller, but i still didn't get the title yet. Why? Because last evaluation for PowerSeller status from ebay was determined on 04-11-2009.
So I have to wait for next evaluation.

Still waiting....
congratulations. Harap ko dapat title tu dan menymarakkan lagi ebay ko.
ReplyDeleteThanks Taukey... Aku target menjadi full time ebayer mulai bulan Mei..
ReplyDeleteWish me luck!
full time ebay. habis tu, site-site yg jual barang kau secara online tu, buat apa? maintain or lupakan :)
ReplyDelete.. aku jual painting dgn kerastangan...
ReplyDeletenak kena tunggu sampai bulan 11 baru dapat title tu?? lamanya..
ReplyDeletefrom this day to that, sure byk miss opportunity sbb tak dpt gunakan title tu utk kaut lebih byk sales..
Budeen> Setiap bulan ebay akan check status power seller. Yang baru ni, 11 April 2009. Next evaluation, dia akan buat lagi 11 may 2009, based on 3 months sales ( total items sold : 300 or total value sold : us $ 3,000 ) . Atau dia akan check 12 months value sales / total items sold.
ReplyDeleteWell done... Tahniah... I'm proud of you my friend...
ReplyDeleteCyza > thanks bro... that's only the beginning...
ReplyDeletecayalah sam.
ReplyDeletejob well done!