Berita terbaru!!! MW-PaY Baru dilancarkan
pertengahan bulan ini!!
Hanya RM30 sahaja untuk menyertainya..semua ahli my mode telah menyertainya
Apa yang anda dapat?
Anda akan dapat 4 jenis bonus iaitu
bonus sponsor level 1 RM20!!
Ya!! Anda akan dpt bonus sponsor RM20
untuk setiap orang yang anda taja.
Cari 2 orang dah balik modal!!
Ada 3 lagi bonus menanti anda.
Dapat lagi diskaun pembelian dan jual prepaid..DG, Hotlink dan Celcom
Boleh bayar bill lagi..
Wow!! Menarik sungguh!!! Jom join..
RM30.00 jer....
Layari web dibawah ini untuk maklumat lanjut:
I wonder how dare people using someone's name (celebrity) to get people join their program (especially MLM). Most of them still new in Internet Marketing and they don't realy understand how annoying when scam email get into our mailbox. I am doing internet business and I have to check every single mail to make sure anything came from my customer (or other IM) will be sorted.
This kind of email really wasting my time and I beg to them just stop! If you want to be a successful Internet marketer, be professional. Try to use other method rather than scam email.
There are an options to do advertising such as PPC (Google Adwords, Bidvertiser etc), paid banner advertisement, free advertising website, mailing list, viral marketing (Myspace, friendster, facebook, etc), or even simple one - email / forum signature! Stop using spamming by sending promotional emails to someones that you really don't know or related at all. This will spoil the internet business in term of Malaysian Internet business that are 'sick' with thousands of scam business programme, website or HYIP (High Yield Investment Programs).
Got to go, still to manage my ebay and lelong listing.
i got this email too. sucks!