I'd like to take a challenge. For me, a challenge spark my mind, boost up my spirit. Rohaizad dot com just made a challenge to himself and he invite anyone to join... just for blogging spirit cum there will be 'something' gain through the end of 2008 journey.
I started blogging as a person who are trying to market jamnapari goat (kambing jamnapari) which I spent my soul there during 2006 - 07. As time passing by, blogging turned into something that can generate money online for me (even not much). I keep on searching on the best way to make money online. Till I start knowing few bloggers who are teaching me (direct and indirectly) the blogging steps, the make money method, niche, and so many other terms in the term of blogging.
Blog can be on free platform such as blogger or wordpress and can be on independent dot com, dot net or dot us platform. (Paid platform has the advantage). Anyway the most important part is traffic, no matter you are using free or paid service.
I learned different kind of approach on how to blog and what people blogs. Some, blogs about their private life, daily routine, expression, make money online (this is the top niche), 'syok sendiri', marketing their product or business and just for fun. There are also politics blog, Google Adsense blog (which boomed past few years), gossip, artist and art blogs.
But there were a post by Labanon which made me rethink about blogging. He mentioning about the satisfaction of blogging (writing), not just for money. If you do it with passion, the pleasure will be yours later on. No matter the main point is to earn money (money is not everything , but everything is money), still you have to do it with passion and soul. He got the point!
Personally, I'm still blogging to promote my business as I am full time businessman. I will put every effort to make sure my bank account filled up with RM, USD dollar, or GBP pound sterling. Besides blogging, I am now moving forward with my new making money skills- affiliate!
All the best for you and wish me luck!
Salam ziarah...
ReplyDeleteReason for blogging...?
I love to share a lesson that I learn from my own experience and others too. By hoping whenever I read again my writing, it will remind me (and other ppl) that I (we) have something to do or to improve.
Good luck to your business...
SammyDodol, aq berminat nak link xchange ngan blog ko. Aq dah pun kasi up link ko kat blog aq...
ReplyDeletelong live malaysian blogger! :D
ReplyDeletehidup Kento!