Born on 3rd August 2008 at St. Mary Hospital, Portsmouth, UK. He is my son, the one and only inspiration to spark my aim, goal and passion, motivate me to work harder since I dropped from my past business and my marriage... I love you Adam Harith with all of my heart.
Just bought early 2008. The best used car I ever had... The main core for my business pasar malam / pasar tani.. The life span for my relation between me and Adam Harith.
3. Laptop
HP Presario V3700 Notebook PC Intel (R) Core (TM)2 Duo CPU T5550 @ 1.83 GHz... Connect me to the world.. with my eBay's and Lelong's.. and all my cyber friends, SAJOHA and everybody else..
4. Business assets, (MUHASABAH TRADING) - tudung, batik, jubah, brooch
Without these, I'm no longer survive to pay my debt, to spend for Adam Harith and to buy my cig.
5. books / ebooks
I love motivation books.
6. the lost one - honda jazz, apartment, bistro, cafe...
Those are supposed to be my wise investment. It can give me freedom
in financial and be your own boss... But I believe in FAITH. I knew this is the best that Allah give me for a test.. to make me think and muhasabah.. Although I can be quite stable with what I got before. He test me.. If I were not tested, I might not know you guys... maybe lost inside of me...
So, the investment I have now is nothing to be proud of, especially to Adama Harith. Hope you and I can be better in the future.
I have shared mine. . So the 6 next lucky person that I'd like to share the same task are...
1. Oktant
2. Razifembi
3. Dookie
4. framestone
5. luthtextile
6. Topo
Guys.. good luck for the task.. It's up to you to answer it if there is spare time..
very good investment. I just realize that you have really really fallen in the past.
ReplyDeleteI never thought of this. Ingatkan sikit jer. Baru aku tau apa yang dah ko hilang sekarang bro. Byk jugak tu.
i will try to learn from this. thanks for the motivation. This is the second time i felt something in my heart bila baca entry blog.
Now I know that Adam is your son, so cute ;)
ReplyDeleteLooks like not only me the one tagged you, LOL.
Nasib baik I tak kena tagged, LOL.
bila baca balik komen tu cam ada tersilap tulis. investment bagus tu sebenarnya mgkn tiada nasib agak nya.
ReplyDeletetake care your son, Adam .
ReplyDeleteThe precious "thing" in your life. Bet to say your life actually .
sad to hear what happened to your late %&%$$**(%
Qadha and Qadar Illahi . . .
There are certain things you like it, but there still remain good things hidden
...the saddest part and I think is not fair to Adam Harith is.... my ex-empoloyee is Adam Harith step dad.
ReplyDeletedont be sad..
ReplyDeletetu semua ujian dunia.. i'm cool. try to be the bestest dad for him...
ReplyDeleteeh..ade plak nama aku
ReplyDeletekikikikikiki... jgn terperanjat...
ReplyDeletekan "6 lucky person"
jgn sedih bro. Semua yg diberi ada hikmah. sabar lah. aku tetap ada dibelakang utk menyokong walaupun tak pernah bersua muka.
ReplyDeletep/s: kalau bersua muka pun aku jenis pendiam. tak byk cakap. hehehe
Sure, anytime, let me know ya ;)
ReplyDeleteStay happy :D
Serius. Aku nak jumpa anak ko. Sekali pun tak apalah. Hoho..:)
ReplyDeleteapsal titan?? nak practice jadi bapak? jap lagi aku grk amik dia... jumaat depan kalo ada rezeki kobole jumpa...
ReplyDeletethaks shai, taukey, luth n framestone...
Salam sam,
ReplyDeleteowh rupanya aku lucky person
no. 1 kene tagged. :)
InsyaAllah, akan dijawab
kemudian. ;p
pasal ujian tu, don't worry la.
mesti ada hikmah di sebalik
semua tu.
aku percaya ramai rakan2 online
akan mendoakan kesejahteraan &
always support ko termasuklah
aku, ok. ;)
kikikii.. dapat pun track bila kena tag....:)
ReplyDelete''biasa tu semua ujian.. Allah nak uji kita redha ke tak.. dan tu maknanya Allah sayangkan kita, disedarkan kita bila terlalai dan 'lupa diri'...